LMF helps showcase local artists


john-valOn 16/17 September, an art exhibition was hosted at The Cedar Tree, organised by Bagshot Events, with proceeds going to LMF.

Numerous local artists and photographers displayed their work and generously gave 10% of the sales to us. The exhibition was opened by the Deputy Mayor for Surrey Heath Valerie White and the visitors commented how nice it was to see the local talent that exists in the community displayed so positively.

The event was successful on so many levels: local artists and businesses got to showcase their work, LMF was pleased to sit in the heart of the community and build relationships with residents and businesses.

A special thanks to https://bagshotvillage.com/ and http://www.cedartreebagshot.co.uk for their generous support, and also to the exhibitors who took part and donated 10% of their sales:

See a slideshow of events at https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.dcruz.35/videos/10155274440393881/?permPage=1.

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