
One year on we remember those affected by the Nepal Earthquake. Dr Kapil Rijal and his team have delivered life changing aid and completed many worthwhile projects in such a short time.The Foundation and Dr Rijal would like to thank everyone who has supported the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.

Your support has raised in excess of £107,000.

Please spare a thought for people of Nepal today.

May they rebuild their lives and move on to brighter futures.


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Processed with MOLDIV



February 2016

We’re pleased and proud to be able to update you on the progress being made in Nepal, thanks to your donations. We have now completed the building of a number of school halls in remote villages across the country and there are photos below.

Thank you for your generous support, which has enabled us to help rebuild lives, homes and schools across the nation.

Dr. Rijal has been travelling back and forth to oversee the project, working tirelessly for his country. This wouldn’t have been possible with the direct contact and passion from Dr. Rijal and his team.

Please continue to keep an eye on our website for further updates from Nepal.


January 2016

As 2016 begins we would like to update you on the amazing work that Dr Kapil Rijal and our Team 21 have achieved.


Devas 1 Nepal

25th April 2015 was a dreadful day for thousands of people in Nepal as well as many around the world, who were devastated by the tragic news of an earthquake, which measured 7.8 magnitude and was the first of several other earthquakes and aftershocks.


Kapil Rijal


Dr Rijal, an unceasing supporter for Nepal

Dr Rijal, a long-time loyal supporter of LMF for many years, has helped his native country, on several other occasions, when he took part and led medical camps to the most remote parts of Nepal. In order to do this he, his family and a huge team of medical professionals came together to donate their services and medical supplies to reach those areas where there are no medical centres to make an appointment or pharmacies to just call in and buy medicines over-the-counter.


Boots Pharmacy Nepal Style!








The teams gave up their vacation time and travelled to some very hard to reach areas and trekked on foot to reach people who welcomed any medical support. Meanwhile back in the UK LMF set up fundraising pages to raise awareness for the medical camps. Dr Rijal agreed that any funds raised would be split between his next Nepal project and closer to home in the UK funds would support LMF’s chosen charities, such as The Prostate Project at Frimley Park Hospital.

LMF Founder John May, Colin Stokes and Dr Kapil Rijal.


The two medical camps drew in more than 15,000 patients from the surrounding villages. Many people trekked on foot with their loved ones for days to get medical attention. The camps were an unbelievable achievement in just how many different areas of medicine they were able to treat. The equipment they took and set up was incredible but also the way in which they had to improvise and treat people was a sight to see. The pictures really just didn’t do it justice.



The Nepal Earthquake 2015

So when the earthquake hit it was natural that as a Foundation we would offer our experience as a disaster relief charity to Dr Rijal.

Little did we know, back then, just what an incredible team we could make with people on the ground in Nepal and the Foundation back in the office in the UK.

Dr Rijal worked closely with the Nepalese Embassy and the Nepalese Doctors Association to pull together a formidable team of 18 doctors, a nurse and three volunteers who all gave up their time to help their homeland. This was Phase 1 of the relief operation which had the objective of travelling to more than 15 remote villages of the Sindhupalchowk and Gorka districts to deliver immediate medical aid, emergency supplies and counselling support.

“Team 21” set up several medical camps and treated over 1,000 patients in acute and chronic conditions. Post-traumatic stress disorder was common amongst the survivors.


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As well as the medical support “Team 21” delivered food and shelter along the way.

  • 900 tarpaulin shelters
  • 150 sleeping bags
  • 100 tents
  • 300 kilos of high energy bars
  • 400 LED Torches
  • Hi-visibility jackets and gloves
  • 7000 water purification tablets
  • 75 water purifying drinking bottles
  • 1,250 survival food boxes – containing food for a week and blankets


In addition to this the team’s reassurance and counselling gave hope to those who had survived, but now needed to rebuild their devastated lives.

Having witnessed first-hand the horrendous conditions, Dr Rijal developed the next Two Phases of the strategic Three-Phase relief plan.

Phase 2 To design, transport and build 155 new strong shelter homes in Ranchowk to protect people from the monsoon season.



Plans for the future.

Phase 3 To supply and build nine school halls with running water and toilet facilities. Each school will also receive an educational box containing vital supplies to run the school for one year.

This Phase is already under way but more funds are needed to ensure completion of this vital Phase to help the children effected by the earthquake to move on. Continuing their education in the right conditions will inspire them to learn and grow.

The Team wished to sincerely acknowledge the invaluable support of The Lisa May Foundation in collaboration with HexN and the overwhelming generosity and kindness extended by NDA (UK), MSG Group, The Michael & Phyllis Goldberg Trust, several NHS Hospital trusts, schools, colleges, local businesses and individuals from the wider UK community. They would wished to thank the BCCUK who kindly sponsored the airfares to Nepal.

Dr Rijal and “Team 21” have been truly inspiring and selfless in giving their time and skills. We would like to acknowledge them individually by name.




  1. Dr Kapil Rijal
  2. Dr Amrita Gurung
  3. Dr Aashish Shah
  4. Dr Laxman Thapa
  5. Dr Sudarshan Gurung
  6. Dr Reskaji Gurung
  7. Dr Reena Rana
  8. Dr Rajib Maharjan
  9. Dr Amrit Gurung
  10. Dr Bibeg Gurung
  11. Dr Lal Gurung
  12. Dr Milan Gurung
  13. Dr Bhichhyan Rai
  14. Dr Ruchi Thapa
  15. Dr Khusi Man Gurung
  16. Dr Anjana Dongol
  17. Dr Savin Patel
  18. Ms Punima Gurung
  19. Mr Saroj Koirala
  20. Mr Rajendra Shrestha
  21. Dr Pralaya Rijal (Norway)


To date over £108,000 has been raised and Nepal is slowly getting back on its feet thanks to your support and Dr Rijal’s quick response and swift actions.

None of this however would be possible without the countless people, schools, businesses and organisations that rallied to give money and donations of food and supplies, here in the UK.

Your quick response enabled Dr Rijal and LMF to deliver aid when it was needed most. Phase 3 still needs your support and it’s not too late to donate by visiting the dedicated Nepal Earthquake Appeal page.

TO DONATE NOW PLEASE VISIT and if your able please agree to gift aid your donation at no extra cost to you we will gain 25% more to help children effected by the disaster and get them back to school with pride and purpose.


Thank you

November 30th 2015 

11053068_1070289426322756_2768831102341228629_oDinner for Nepal – At the Nepalese Embassy

As Phase Three of our Nepal project was already underway we wanted to highlight the work achieved and show just how much more we aim to do to support the children of Nepal at this most tragic time.

Where should we hold such an important event? Who should we ask to be our guest of honour? Well to take people to the heart of the appeal the Nepalese Embassy seemed the perfect place, and Dr Rijal had the contacts to make that happen. Then we received the news that His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent G.C.V.O. had accepted the invitation to be our guest of honour and agreed to be main after dinner speaker.

A dinner party in the surrounds of the Nepalese Embassy was the best place to raise awareness of the work still to be done in Nepal and to showcase the progress of the project to date.

Over 70 guests joined us for a drinks reception, which included the opportunity to meet his Royal Highness and a superb Nepalese meal followed thanks to The Everest Inn. Our MC for the night was Dr Rajni Rijal who introduced a traditional Nepalese dance group and our guest speakers for the evening, H.R.H. Prince Michael, Dr Kapil Rijal, Mr Tej Bahadur Chetri and celebrity auctioneer the RT Hon Michael Gove MP.










Guests watched footage form the Nepal visits to date and saw how much more was needed to get Nepal back on its feet once again.

The evening raised a truly amazing £12,000 and ensured that Phase Three to build nine school Halls is well and truly underway. People coming together to make a difference and highlight the plight of others is an important meeting of minds that certainly paid off.

Special thanks to The Nepalese Embassy, our distinguished guests, H.R.H. Prince Michael of Kent, the RT Hon Michael Gove MP, Sir Gerald Howarth MP, Mr Chris Davies MP, and Miss Michelle Donelan for giving up their time to attend.

Our guests were entertained, fed, updated and very supportive. LMF are grateful for the opportunity to reach people in high places and appreciate every penny raised by everybody concerned from our neighbouring villages to the Embassy of Nepal and beyond.

Our Nepal page is still open for donations simply visit

 Just a few pictures from the evening.

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September 14th 2015


To view all our Nepal vidoes online we have set up two exclusive playlists links for you on the Lisa May Foundation Youtube channel.

The first one is Team 21 in Nepal :

The Second is a link to all our vey first Earthquake Appeal Videos:

For other news on the appeal , please do scroll down this page and see what has been happening since those first initial days after the earthquake.

You really have helped us to make a difference and there is still more we can do together.

Our dedicated Virgin Money Giving Page is still open for donations.

Thank You.



September 12th 2015 

Dear Supporters,

Thank you for all your very generous contributions in support of our Nepal Earthquake Appeal 2015.

We have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of vital equipment and supplies received. In addition you have helped us raise funds of over £100,000 to date. The numerous hours given up by Dr Rijal and our Team 21, along with all those involved in planning the logistics, putting together the aid, delivering materials and completing the build has been priceless. This has been the real key to our success.

Your support has already allowed us to complete phases one and two of the project. In phase one Dr Rijal led a team of 21 Doctors and Nurses who delivered immediate aid on the ground within the first few vital days and weeks following the earthquake. Special thanks must go to Team 21 who willingly volunteered their services to the Nepalese Doctors Association. We also delivered 1,250 survival boxes that fed a family of four for a week.

Phase two enabled us to build 155 shelter homes and communal toilets in the remote villages of Ranchowk and Sankhu in Nepal. We have also provided ten schools with an “Education In a Box” resource that contains stationery to run the school for one year and sports equipment to ensure fitness and fun are a part of their everyday lives. Children everywhere deserve the right to learn, broaden their knowledge and their skills.

Our third phase includes building nine school halls complete with toilets and clean drinking water facilities. The children can then continue with their education while their schools devastated by the earthquake are being rebuilt. These halls will initially be used as multiple classrooms and will later be converted to community halls owned by the schools to bring the villagers together.

This phase needs however an investment of £49,354 to make this possible. The building has already started and is once again led by Dr Rijal who has led the project from the outset and ensured instant and continuous results throughout the project.

We would appreciate any further support you might be able to give, either personally or by urging others to donate. or simply contact

Thank you once again for your contributions.

Yours sincerely

John May 

John May – Founder

Past Mayor of Surrey Heath


July 14th 2015


Our latest ‪#‎Nepal‬ update looking back at the incredible work of the local community and beyond. Your generosity has been fantastic and we’re so proud of what everyone has helped us to achieve. The hard work isn’t over yet though as donations are still needed at to continue building new shelter homes and the build of  seven new School Halls which will also be supplied with ‘Educational Boxes’ to ensure schools gain much needed resources.

“It’s not what you give that matters, it’s the act of giving that makes the world a better place.”









Special thanks to the talented and hard working Nick Ransom who has volunteered his services to LMF to help us improve our social media skills.

His creative input has made a vast difference to how we communicate and reach our supporters.The videos he has helped us make will be a hard act to follow!

In September Nick leaves to study at MediaCityUk in Salford where we know he will only improve and excel.

LMF wish him every success for the future and wish to publicly thank him for all his hard work


3rd July 2015 

Thank You – Bagshot Infants School.


On the back of the Nepal earthquake, we were so proud to visit Bagshot Infant School to collect a donation of £650 which was raised by a bucket shake. Katie Aldred presented the cheque to LMF which will build four shelter homes. This was raised by staff, students and teachers and we really appreciate their kind generosity.

Filmmaker Nick Ransom from Bagshot kindly attended to capture the presentation on film, which also saw him visit his old school which he left 11 years ago.

Bagshot has been a fantastic support of our Nepal project from day one and Bagshot Infants were the first school to contact LMF. We wanted to meet the head to express our grattitude to the young students who gave so willingly. We are going back with a scrap book to show the children pictures of what their money has helped to do in Nepal.

We feel as a charity it is is important for children to see and understand how their actions help others. Bagshot Infants are keen to continue the links with LMF and we can’t wait to see what they do next.

Bagshot Village Day – Nepal Tombola


On Sunday 21 June, we attended the annual Bagshot Village Day to continue our Nepal appeal. A fantastic £196 was raised on the back of a tombola, raffle and a guess the name of the Penguin competition.


Portions of rice were specially wrapped with laminated tags for the tombola, which explained how receiving rice out in Nepal would be greatly appreciated. If our tombola winners preferred, they could swap their rice for a lolly but we were keen to educate people on how scarce food was in Nepal.


It was a really enjoyable day mixing with the residents and businesses of Bagshot. The sun shone all day and our Penguin comp raised lots of smiles and ensured our total raised on the day was a superb £200.

This will buy one more shelter home out in Nepal.




Our local commuity really made us proud to be based in Bagshot Village.

Thank you to all those who came and all those in Bagshot who have been so supportive of our Nepal appeal.

15th May 2015

Our latest Nepal Earthquake YouTube video featuring photos and videos of Team 21 out in Nepal.


The team return to Gatwick Airport on Sunday 17 May but the appeal and relief effort must continue.

Donations are still appreciated at and all donations, big or small, will go directly to Nepal.

The team return to Gatwick Airport on Sunday 17 May but the appeal and relief effort must continue.

Donations are still appreciated at and all donations, big or small, will go directly to Nepal.

11th May 2015 

Nepal Remote Villages Aid Update

11245484_10206658993017415_6746997425872688742_nSo many great things are now happening in Nepal and we would like to share them with you. Thanks to your amazing generosity our Team 21 are able to make the most of the time they have left in Nepal.

The aid they took with them has been distributed to several remote villages as the team has split into three groups to cover more ground.

Our Survival Boxes are now in production on a large scale and they have just been able to get more rice stocks so the size of the boxes has grown to include 5kg of rice.

Although the tarpaulin stocks are running low, the team is trying to get more so each box has some form of shelter as well as food.

Our tents are being handed out and the team have now decided that with your continued support and funding we can actually build an entire temporary village with houses that will shelter the community for an entire year, whilst rebuilding takes place. Details of the location of the village will follow in the next update as plans are confirmed.

The village will include a set of communal toilet facilities that could make a huge difference in terms of hygiene and prevent the spread of further disease.

Each house will cost just £150 and we aim to build 155 houses to allow the whole village to stay together.

Please look at our ‘on location’ photos and if you can, please help us by donating we will do what we can with what we have.





6th May 2015 

Your Support is making a difference -Thank You

Team 21 – On the ground

Team 21, are all well….tired but still in very good spirits! They successfully treated 300 patients yesterday, and are now travelling on to the next village in Gorkha. Some medicine is being transported to villages in Gorkha from the Om Health Foundation in Kathmandu. Trucks of “Survival boxes” are due to arrive today by road from Biratnagar, 290 miles SE of Gorkha, journey time of 10 hours!

Telephone lines are not so good and there is no WiFi, so no photos as yet.

It is very reassuring to hear that everyone is well and they are able to provide medical and humanitarian aid to people in some of the most affected villages

Please keep up the amazing support and donations. Team 21 are getting updates from UK whenever we can get info to them. They are motivated by how supportive the whole community has been.

Over the weekend so many events took place and money is coming in from Schools. Colleges and businesses alike. Our communities have really come together to help at a time of great need.

Here are a few photos of :



Cheryl D’Cruz,Founder , Cllr John May with Dr Rijal,and the The BCC UK Ambassador Kaji Sherpa at our offices in Bagshot,A donation trolley full of driefd foods and supplies thanks to  Waitrose Frimley, a shot of the ITV reporter Richard Slee filming at the garage full of your donations, and pictures from Hall Grove School where Dr Rijal’s youngest daughter Tara’s friends organised a mufti day, which has raised in excess of £1,300 so far, with a bit more to come!

The last few pictures are the team packing their supplies and at the airport on Sunday morning, ready to fly off and deliver your donated goods and medical assistance Thank you every donation and effort is much appreciated, do keep spreading the word and sharing our videos and donation link.

4th May 2015


Nepal Earthquake Appeal Video #3 

Here’s our third appeal video featuring many more Nepalese locals and those amongst our community.

We also featured on ITV News Meridian over the weekend, and Richard Slee’s report on our work can be found at –


3rd May 2015  

Team 21 support and relief aid is on route to Nepal.


The last 8 days have been non-stop, but the last 48 hours have been extremely busy, tiring, emotional and very successful

The Lisa May Foundation, Dr Kapil Rijal and the team of doctors and volunteers were honoured to be invited to the Buddhist Community Centre UK in Aldershot yesterday. They were graced with a poignant blessing for their safe journey and work. Everyone was touched by the warm hospitality expressed to the team and their families. It was the most moving expression of encouragement and hope for the people in Nepal and appreciation of everyone for their overwhelming help and support. We would like to kindly thank everyone at BCC, UK for their kindness.



Our 21 strong medical team and many volunteers helped to pack their bags full of medical essentials as well as dried foods, torches, sleeping bags and tents, all of which have been donated by people from the local surrounding communities, from Lightwater, Bagshot and Aldershot.




Team 21 was driven to the airport at 6.30am by a convoy of 8 cars driven by volunteers from the Bracknell Nepalese Society. Our thanks go to Binod Adhikari who organised this group.

At Gatwick we all gathered at the check-in together and Dr Rijal and his team wish to thank Mr Vicky Smith from Menzies who checked all the bags in and was most helpful and courteous.  Mr Ashok Limbachiya from Teamwork UK took care to load all the oversize bags for team 21.


Gatwick Team 21


Now we place our trust in Turkish Airlines to get them safely to Kathmandu and also wish to thank them for all their efforts.

We will be posting further updates on all the fundraising

Activities from all the schools, colleges and organisations as well as publishing a list of all the doctors who have given up their time.  We will also be giving our heartfelt thanks to a very long list of all the people who have donated and helped in so many ways.

LMF could not do this without help and we hope you can continue your support, as this is just the beginning.

We welcome monetary donations to our page but ask that no more food or clothes be sent at this time.

Thank you.


30th April 2015 

Breaking news from Nepal

Latest Update on the Nepal Earthquake and UK Doctors Mission 

The situation in Nepal is becoming increasing volatile as we speak. Currently all banks assets have been capped and there is a reduced limit on how much can be withdrawn. This setback is going to greatly hinder the Nepalese Doctors UK team in their mission to go and provide assistance out in Nepal, and with the current production of the “Survival Boxes” in Kathmandu.

In response to this, the survival boxes are now going to be made in Biratnagar which is 400kms away from Kathmandu. The team is being led by our uncle Mr Tilak Rijal. These boxes are already currently under preparation. They contain 2 blankets, cooking utensils and food to feed a family of 4 for 1 week. The boxes will then be transported to Kathmandu by road, ready in time for the arrival of the team from UK. They can then be distributed as the team head out to the remote villages

Photos for website


To make matters worse, the weather is not on anyone’s side. It has started raining and the people that have been rendered homeless are now struggling to find shelter. Lisa May Foundation’s Nepal Earthquake Appeal is going to provide 300 Tarpaulin to shelter the vulnerable people.

Each box costs £25

Each tarpaulin costs £20

Please keep helping us to provide shelter and food to those that really need our help, as the situation is becoming even more difficult by the minute.

Thank you