About Us
Surrey Heath Councillor and successful businessman John May raised his five adored children to live life to the full. When one of his daughters, Nicola announced her intention to marry in Thailand, John and his youngest daughter Lisa accompanied her to celebrate the special event. After the wedding, Lisa decided to extend her stay on the island of Phi Phi and, tragically, became one of the thousands of victims who lost their lives in the tsunami that devastated Thailand on Boxing Day 2004.
In response to their sense of deep personal loss, the May family decided to celebrate Lisa’s memory by forming the Lisa May Foundation, to raise money to help victims of natural disasters. The May family motto is ‘Fortitudo, Amicitia et Famila’ – Courage, Friendship and Family. The family are dedicated to the Foundation and its work.
Between 2005 and 2009, over £80,000 was raised. This has paid for…
- 38 longboats in Thailand were purchased to get fishermen and ferrymen back to work, enabling them to restart their lives.
- 2 Physiotherapists provided vital support to victims to get them back into shape.
- 40 school uniforms were purchased to enable the children to return to school wearing their new uniforms with pride.
- Plastic tanks and purification tanks have provided much needed clean water in refugee camps.
- In Brazil we have been able to help fund a home to keep the children off the streets away from drugs.
- Donations have been made to relief workers in Burma and Haiti,principally by working with missionaries.
- Closer to home. Two Students in the UK have been given scholarships to university who might not have had the opportunity to further their education.
To see the difference a scholarship can make click here to read the personal feedback from Karl one of our scholars.
For a more personal account of events and a heartfelt thank you from Nicola May, Lisa’s sister, please click here.
Read more about the work that has been carried out abroad from the Tsunami through to Burma and Brazil, told through the eyes of the volunteers themselves.
New Directions
In 2010, as Mayor of Surrey Heath, John saw that local charities had a huge need for support and decided to re-launch the Foundation as an umbrella organisation helping specific local charities, as well as continuing to raise funds for victims of natural disaster. Click here to read more about our chosen charities.
Our goal is to continue creating awareness and gathering support wherever we go.
Please stay in touch with us and help us make a real difference to people’s lives.
In just three minutes, find out more about the girl behind the Foundation, what we do and who we help in this brief video.