Bagshot Village Day – Nepal Tombola


IMG_8576On Sunday 21 June, we attended the annual Bagshot Village Day to continue our Nepal appeal. A fantastic £196 was raised on the back of a tombola, raffle and a guess the name of the Penguin competition.


Portions of rice were specially wrapped with laminated tags for the tombola, which explained how receiving rice out in Nepal would be greatly appreciated. If our tombola winners preferred, they could swap their rice for a lolly but we were keen to educate people on how scarce food was in Nepal.


It was a really enjoyable day mixing with the residents and businesses of Bagshot. The sun shone all day and our Penguin comp raised lots of smiles and ensured our total raised on the day was a superb £200.

This will buy one more shelter home out in Nepal.




Our local commuity really made us proud to be based in Bagshot Village.

Thank you to all those who came and all those in Bagshot who have been so supportive of our Nepal appeal.